Raw vegan food

Summer Season Nutrition


Published: 28th May 2021 Summer Season Nutrition: Summer corresponds with the fire element in traditional Chinese medicine (TMC). The long hot summer days are associated with yang, or masculine energy, which has bright, expansive and warming qualities. In nature, yang is always balanced out by yin, or feminine energy, and is provided by the abundance of foods that grow above the ground at this time. These watery and cooling vegetables and fruits are often a distinctive bright red colour which belongs to the fire element: strawberries, tomatoes, radishes etc. TMC acknowledges that the early summer season activates the heart centre of [...]

Summer Season Nutrition2021-06-30T14:28:27+00:00

Join the raw food movement; the key for vibrant health


Published: 10 Nov 2019 - Do you want to feel vibrantly healthy? Or slow down the visible signs of ageing? There are many popular diets and nutritional approaches to greater health and longevity. One in particular has been around for years, but is currently taking the world by storm. It’s called: the raw food movement. The philosophy and science behind it states that eating unadulterated raw foods (the way nature intended) is the key for optimal health. Why raw? The benefits of eating food in its natural raw state are numerous. Raw foods contain vital life force properties and nutrients that [...]

Join the raw food movement; the key for vibrant health2020-02-22T16:34:28+00:00
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