Published: 28th May 2021

Summer Season Nutrition:

Summer corresponds with the fire element in traditional Chinese medicine (TMC). The long hot summer days are associated with yang, or masculine energy, which has bright, expansive and warming qualities. In nature, yang is always balanced out by yin, or feminine energy, and is provided by the abundance of foods that grow above the ground at this time. These watery and cooling vegetables and fruits are often a distinctive bright red colour which belongs to the fire element: strawberries, tomatoes, radishes etc.

TMC acknowledges that the early summer season activates the heart centre of the body. The emotional states associated with this centre are joy and happiness. Extra care must be taken to nourish and rejuvenate this region of the body as it can easily go at of balance at this time.

The good news is there are many things we can do to ensure a happy and healthy summer season, as long as we incorporate the foods and practices that will help bring our bodies, and hearts, into harmony with this glorious time of year.

Luscious Berries

When berries begin to appear the summer season is well and truly here. There are myriad delicious and healthful berries to choose from such as raspberries, cherries, blueberries and blackberries. Luscious strawberries are a classic early summer favourite which contain numerous health properties. The high flavonoid content benefits heart health by counteracting the effect of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood. The presence of elegiac acid means they also contain anti-cancer properties. And they are one of the richest fruit sources of Vitamin C: the immune booster vitamin

Summer season nutrition

Leafy Greens

Leafy green vegetables are a great summertime addition to salads/  juices. Not only are they high in chlorophyll, which is both blood building and healing to the body, but they also contain vital nutrients including: iron, amino acids and the alkaline trace minerals calcium and magnesium – critical for heart health. A good source of cellulose fibre, they act like a brush throughout the digestive tract; helping to increase food transit time. They also assist in cooling down and detoxifying the body. While there are many leafy greens to choose from, the best ones are of a dark green variety. The darker the leaf the greater amount of key nutrients – which leads to improved health.

Fortunately, there are a multitude available to enjoy such as kale, watercress, spinach and parsley. Or, dark endive – with a tinge of red around the edge – which is characterised by the colour of the fire element time of year.

Cleansing Foods

Summer season nutrition requires foods with diuretic properties especially during the early summer heat. One such early summer vegetable is asparagus. It contains the amino acid asparagine that helps the kidneys to excrete toxic waste and oxalic acid. It also helps breakdown fat and thereby assists with weight loss. Another popular vegetable with diuretic properties is celery. It’s high water content and bioavailable calcium helps to breakup accumulated fat and cleanse the system. Other vegetables in this category include: cabbage, beets. cucumbers and fennel.