What’s all the fuss about quinoa?

Quinoa. Most people have heard of it. But wonder what exactly is it?

It’s actually pronounced “keen-wah” and is an ancient grain-like-seed from South America. Quinoa has gained popularity (especially among plant based eaters) in recent years. It’s appreciated for it’s unique nutty flavour, and is an excellent form of complete protein. What’s more, it’s valued as a healthy and gluten free alternative to grains. Making it an ideal food for those seeking to reboot their gut health.

The addition of mixed vegetables and sunflower seeds in this recipe help to stabilse blood sugar levels.  And also makes it a complete meal. Which can be enjoyed either at home or work, and even at picnics too.

Quinoa and vegetable salad:


1 cup quinoa
2 cups water, or vegetable stock/broth
1-2 cups chopped vegetables (of current choice)
1 tbls sunflower seeds
1 tbls (or more) extra virgin olive oil

*Note: a pinch of sea salt can be added for extra flavour

Quinoa and vegetable salad: for a hearty meal

How to prepare:

1) Rinse the quinoa well before cooking to reduce the saponin content, which can make the quinoa taste bitter

2) Cook 1 cup quinoa to 2 parts water (or vegetable stock). Bring to boil, then down to simmer. This will take approx. 12-15 mins. Once the liquid is absorbed, remove from heat and cover with a lid for 5 mins. Remove lid, and fluff with a fork, and leave to cool

3) Finely chop vegetables of choice (e.g., cucumber, avocado, celery, lettuce, red peppers)

4) Once the quinoa has cooled down, add the mixed vegetables

5) Sprinkle sunflower seeds on top and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil

Serves 2 -3 people

This delicious quinoa and vegetable salad can be altered to suit any time of year by adding in seasonal vegetables, along with different herbs and spices to enhance the flavour. Just mix the ingredients up, according to how you feel, to make it interesting – and enjoy!