Published: 22 March 2020 –


Springtime has arrived. Now is the time when the earth is bursting to life with new growth and ever increasing daylight hours. But did you know that the expansive energy of early spring makes it the ideal time of year to detoxify your body – especially your liver? The good news is: there are many key foods that can help detox your liver during spring season.


Why detox your liver?

Detoxification is paramount for optimal health which starts and ends with a healthy liver. This remarkable organ plays an important role in metabolism. One of it’s most important metabolic functions is the detoxification of toxic chemicals, drugs and hormones. Both those that are made in the body and those that come from external sources. The liver inactivates these substances and sends them onto biochemical or physiological pathways that lead to excretion via the bowel, kidneys, lungs or skin. It’s also a major blood reservoir – filtering out toxins at the rate of approx. 1.5 litres of blood every minute.


Another important function of the liver is to produce bile (a yellow alkaline fluid), anywhere from 440-800 ml daily. Without bile, most food would remain undigested, or only partially digested. It’s required in the breakdown of fats. And it also helps to regulate levels of beneficial gut bacteria. Moreover, it’s crucial for the peristaltic – muscle action – that assists in the removal of food waste passing through the colon. As a result, it helps to prevent constipation.


Traditional Chinese medicine wisdom

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TMC), the spring seasonal cycle corresponds with the wood element which governs the liver and gallbladder region of the body. TMC recognises that the liver is the organ most strongly effected by emotional states. Conversely, it has long been recognised that when the liver is congested then toxic emotions – like anger – become more likely to arise. Therefore, signs of liver congestion may include physical and emotional symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vision disturbances, PMS, anger, irritability or jealousy.


There are many different factors in TMC that determine whether or not the liver is able to detoxify. For example, liver congestion can be the result of the wrong type of food, stress, or unprocessed emotional states. Fortunately, the liver has amazing rejuvenation abilities. And it can continue to function even when up to 80% of its cells are damaged. What’s even more remarkable: the liver is able to regenerate its own damaged tissue.


foods taht detox your liver


Key Foods that detox your liver:

1) Lemons

Lemon contains a powerful phytonutrient called limonene which helps stimulate the liver detoxification pathways. Therefore, it’s especially beneficial when taken in the morning, or between meals, in a glass of water to assist the liver in its removal of toxins.

2) Garlic

Garlic  has high amounts of allicin and selenium. These are two natural compounds that assist in liver cleansing. When taken raw, it has the ability to activate liver enzymes and help flush out toxins from the system.

3) Sour foods

 Sour foods help to open up the liver detoxification pathways and prepare the digestive tract for food. Sour foods include: lemons, limes sauerkraut, plums, dill pickles and sour cherries.

4) Avocados

Avocados are a rich source of glutathione (a type of antioxidant) which helps the liver to clear itself of harmful fats and environmental toxins.

5) Artichokes

Artichokes are prized for two liver enhancing phytonutrients: cynarin and silymarin. Cynarin is an antioxidant which aids the liver in producing bile, and silymarin is a flavonoid that aids the protection of liver cells by boosting glutathione levels. Additionally, both of these help to regenerate the liver.

6) Green vegetables

Green vegetables are high in plant chlorophylls which help to remove toxins from the blood via the liver. They also have the ability to neutralise heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, offering powerful protection for the liver. Try them lightly steamed, or add into daily salads.

7) Green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants known as catechins, a type of antioxidant that boosts liver function and can help to reduce fat storage in the liver.

8) Walnuts

Walnuts are high in glutathione and omega 3 fatty acids. Both support the liver during the cleansing process.

Liver don’ts:

x Fried foods
x Excess alcohol
x Damaged heated fats
x Glutinous grains
x Excess animal protein
x Processed foods
x Chronic stress
x Household chemicals
x Smoking
x Artificial sweeteners
x High fructose corn syrup
x Cows cheese

Liver health lifestyle tips

* Early to bed – important as the liver detoxifies between 1-3 am
* Eat clean – choose natural and organic foods to reduce liver congestion
* Reduce stress – aim to incorporate calming practices into your daily routine like meditation or yoga
* Process emotions – to walk, talk or exercise out uncomfortable emotional states
* Limit environmental toxins –  reduce exposure to toxins by choosing natural household cleaning products
As you can see there are many key foods that detox your liver which can easily be adopted into a healthy lifestyle. Why not give them a try?